General School Fundraisers  •  Fundraisers for Class Projects  •  Choir and Band  •  Proms and Celebrations School Trips  •  Sports and Athletics  •  Campus Improvements  •  Educational Equipment  •  Churches & Youth Groups  •  Community Theaters  •  Community Projects  •  PTA  •  Non-Profits  •  Arts Groups

Nearly $1,000,000 For Central Texas Schools and Organizations Since 1988

..........and counting.


Recent updates to the A+ Card App have been installed and both platforms are ready to go for the 2024 season! Save your favorite deals, create an account to keep your information secure or browse for a deal near you. This year's version has it all!


E - COUPONS coming this season!

That's right! We're bringing back the COUPON - only e-coupon style! Participating businesses will offer time-limited discounts on their best stuff, but you've got to have the A+ Card App installed to benefit. Simply purchase an A+ Card from your local school or online, then download the code found on the back of the card to activate your account. Simple - what could be easier than that! Support local schools, local businesses, and local students!




Apple App

Android App

A+CARD is a School/Business Partnership. Local businesses offer valuable discounts to families who support their schools and organizations by purchasing the A+CARD.

Everybody Wins:

Schools raise needed funds. Businesses attract new customers & reward established ones. Families save money. Students demonstrate school pride & receive valuable prizes. Teachers lose NO instructional time during the fundraiser.


How does it work?

The A+CARD sells for $25; the schools get 50% back and students receive prizes.



Schools and businesses are screened and selected in the spring. Printing of material is completed in the summer. Sales are generally conducted in the local schools during the fall.



The A+CARD main goal is to help schools earn extra money for educational equipment, field trips or campus improvements for students in their school. Currently schools earn from $500 to $17,000. While our main target is schools/education, we are open to organizations to participate.

Helping You Meet Your Fundraising Goals.

Bell, Coryell, Falls, Lampasas,

McLennan, Hill & Bosque Counties




Copyright © 2024 A+CARD.  All rights reserved.